Monday, December 29, 2008
Gettin His Mack On
Anyway, I'm watching the deputy talking to a lone woman trying to leave the store. It's apparent to me that he's hitting on her. Well, I don't begrudge anyone 'gettin they mack on' but it was funny knowing his history. I watched him walk her out of the store (which officers working at the bank usually don't do because that would be the ideal time to hit it-the bank, not the woman) and give her what I'm presuming was his phone number. Oh well, another small anecdote in the man-woman melodrama.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Reminded Me of My Wife
Christmas Day
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve
A drunk hit another car in a parking lot. He didn't do any damage, but he went to jail for drunk driving. What kind of ignorant fool gets arrested on Christmas Eve?
Another drunk decides to stalk his ex-girlfriend. She wants nothing to do with him but he takes a cab from the other side of town and stands in her driveway. We find him in a nearby store. He's on bond for drunk driving, and walking around drunk. So, he too gets arrested and spends Christmas Eve in jail.
A woman was with her family, 3 kids, and an elderly deaf man. Two thugs carjacked her with knives and took off in her van with the kids and the elderly man. They let the man out on the other side of town. No word on the kids.
For a 30 minute span, assault calls dropping in the west side of town. In one incident, a brother grabs a bat and goes to swinging on family members. Some people!!!!
A Story I Heard
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
***One time, I stopped a guy for speeding. I was using a hand held radar that didn't hold a charge very well. So, I would turn it on, use it, then get a speeder and turn it off. I stopped him and right off the bat he was an a**hole. He demanded to see my radar because "it was his legal right!" Well, that's a myth. Police don't have to show radars, only stupid people, and lawyers think that. Well, I ran him and found a traffic warrant for his arrest. Normally I wouldn't bother with it. However, since he wants to run his mouth okay. I confirm the warrant, and go to him and bring him back to my car telling him he will see my radar. I also had the warrant information on my computer. So, I bring him back to my car and show him the hand held radar. He looks incredulously at me since it is turned off. I then ask him to read the computer. He sees his name and asks what that means. I inform him he has a warrant and he's under arrest as I slap cuffs on him. He regretted opening his mouth then.***
Anyhow, he goes to arrest her for the warrant and she takes off. By the time he gets back into his car and goes looking she's already disappeared. Well, that dumb bitch got away today. However aside from the original minor traffic warrant she had, she now has a felony warrant and it won't go away. Sooner or later her dumb ass will get caught.
At the end of the shift, an officer goes to a family disturbance. When she yelled for back up I could tell all hell was about to break lose. Sure enough she gets on the air screaming. She's fighting. Of course I'm on the other side of town and can only wait for the units in her area to get to her. The cavalry finally arrives and things get under control. She goes to the hospital complaining of hand and leg pain. She probably over exerted herself but she will be okay. The two punk asses who were fighting to start with will spend the night in jail.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Swing batta batta swing!
"Whatcha gonna do now?"
"Whatcha gonna do now? Huh? I say what? Whatcha gonna do now?"
He then leaves satisfied that he's still a man. The victim follows him and happens to pass one of my fellow officers and flags her down. They stop the guy and arrest him. He had no criminal record until now. This is the kind of mentality we inadvertently nurture.
"Don't mind my mom, she's 30!"
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Oh please grab that knife again
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Gotta Love Lawyers!!!
Yesterday a woman calls and says her ex-husband has assaulted her. The first officers get there and detain the ex-hubby, who is an attorney. I talk to him. I open the door and he tries to get out. I tell him "oh no no no ain't nobody told you to get out!" He's 49 years old and dressing like a 30 year old. I get the feeling this guy is going through a mid life crises. He denies anything happened. So I ask him why did she call the police. His brilliant response was "what probable cause did she have to call the police?" Now that's a strange, and dumb question. Nobody needs probable cause to call the police. I ask what kind of lawyer he is and he says he's some property lawyer. Ahhh! Those are better! The lawyers other than criminal lawyers who think because they have the title 'lawyer' they know more than we do. I can smell alcohol on his breath. In fact he is currently on probation for his second drunk driving case and has a breath interlock on his car. I ask him how much he has had to drink. I want to see how truthful he is. He says "nothing." I pounce on him like a ninja attacking his credibility. If he is lying to me on whether or not he's been drinking how can I believe anything else he says. He winds up being arrested for assaulting his ex-wife. He tries to slip another one past me. When asking us to leave him at home doesn't work. He says he takes heart medication. The name of the medication, lipitor! Oh please!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Ghosts of Thanksgiving Past
Thanksgiving 2004:
It was around 5 in the morning when I was following a jeep that had a hard time staying in a single lane. I pulled it over and found a woman driving. She was returning from a bar. Well, I was supposed to go home in two hours. We were having family over so I wasn't really looking to stay late. Plus, I really wasn't looking to put anyone in jail on Thanksgiving Day. I kept asking the woman if she had anyone who could come get her. She was drunk. Yet, she kept playing games. I feel she figured if she could stall long enough I would let her go. She wanted to drive off. After about an hour, yes an hour of merry-go-around with her I said "f*** it" and arrested her.
Thanksgiving 2005:
I was now working day shift. I came in early enough and would sit up on a cantina in my district. This cantina was notorious for allowing underage drinking (they never checked for ID about 90% of the clientele were illegal aliens. It was also notorious for cocaine using and dealing. I loved arresting drunks out of there, but even more I loved arresting drunks with cocaine on them. I set up and pounced on the first car I saw leaving. I caught him and sure enough, he was drunk, and an illegal immigrant so I arrested him. I remember him complaining about missing his "turkey dinner." I think I said something to the effect of "oh boo hoo mother ****** you shouldn't be here to start with!"
Thanksgiving 2006:
It was a slow day and nothing happening. Then a call drops. A man got into an argument with his pregnant girlfriend. Her family didn't like him because he was a little punk. She wanted to see her family without him and he got mad and hit her. So, he went to jail.
Thanksgiving Day 2008
Anyway, I go to work, finish my paperwork and head out on the streets. Nobody is doing anything (other than the once-in-a-while call dropping). Sometimes I like to show the new people how it's done. I go find a few people to stop. Of course nobody gets a ticket. On Thanksgiving you really have to work hard to get a ticket out of me. At the end of the night I hear a major accident drop. I arrive to find some fool hit a light pole head on. The fool was flying down the street, lost control and went onto a sidewalk (thank God nobody was on it) and hit a light pole. The front of his utility was a nice V shape now. They carted him off to the hospital. I heard murmurs of bags of marijuana in the vehicle. If so, then oh well, I won't lose any sleep.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Whine Whine Whine
I Should Write the Sheriff
Monday, November 24, 2008
A Slight Change
Friday, November 21, 2008
"Because she's a girl!"
"Oh God!" I thought to myself. "Please don't let her start crying on the radio!"
I made the scene and sure enough, she was crying. She wasn't hurt! The whole thing wasn't that big of a deal. She just got overly emotional. When I talked to the driver of the other car that clipped her he was sympathetic. He felt bad that the officer was crying. I kept a straight face, but inside I was thinking "dammit!" Later on someone asked me;
"Hey George, was Cyn crying on the radio?"
"Yeah, she was!"
"Was she hurt?"
"Nope, not at all!"
"Why was she crying?"
I sighed. I had to think of a way to put this delicately. I thought long and hard. I can't think of any other female officer who would have cried over a tap. Most women I know would be kicking and cursing so hard I'd be blushing. Then it came to me.
"Because she's a girl!"
Thursday, November 20, 2008
He Really Didn't Want to Go to the Hospital
In another crash related story. A woman was involved in a hit & run. She claims a truck pushed her into a barrier wall from a block away. Come to find out, the woman was leaving her boyfriend's house going home to her husband. Ouch! That's got to be a nightmare for the woman. How is she going to explain being on the wrong side of town and involved in an accident?
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Oops I did it again!
The next day I'm coming into the station and I talk to the guy I'm relieving. He is tagging photos from a domestic disturbance that morning. I didn't find out later on that this was the same couple. A warrant had been filed on him. We get a call that he's home. Since I like to be a part of the exciting conclusion I jumped in my car and went to his house. The wife was watching from her friend's house across the street. Apparently she still thought we were going to take him to a counselor. He answered the door and knew what was up. He surrendered which is always good. When we led him out of the house in handcuffs here comes the wife running to his aid. I knew this was coming so I asked another officer to stop her from coming over. I consider myself a pretty sympathetic person but this woman really did get on my nerves. She kept saying "he needs counseling not jail!" I said "ma'am he pulled you out of a truck and tossed you on concrete! He needs to realize there are consequences and perhaps this will be the wake up call he needs!" Again "he's not a criminal!" I just shook my head. Nothing I could say was going to satisfy this woman who wanted her ill tempered abusive husband home. Some days I just want to get in these women's' faces and shout "listen up! He just beat your ass and if you think he's gonna stop you're seriously naive!" But I know that's not the proper way to go about it.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
A Ranger's Secret Revealed
Friday, November 14, 2008
"Did ya whoop his ass?"
"But chief, the Mrs. might not love me anymore!"
"Who are you more afraid of, her or me?"
"You sir!"
A while later the son messes up again. He's drunk and he drives through a couple of yards. So the police get there and bring him to the station. My boss calls G at home and informs him. He is on his way.
"Did you whoop his ass like I told you?"
My boss sighs. "No sir!"
"Why not?"
"I'm afraid the Mrs. won't love me anymore!"
Then came a big incident. The son and a friend went home with two women from a bar. Well the women said they were divorced. Turns out, at least one was lying because her husband knocked on the door. She answered it and he put a bullet through her head. He then ended his own life. The rest ran out of the apartment leaving a baby behind. The son called my boss, who called G. In the end, the returned to give detectives a statement. In the end G asked my boss;
"So, did you whoop his ass?"
My boss hung his head and sighed.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
She Was Afraid
I get the warrant filed and I choose three other officers to go get him. I knocked on the door and he answered. She had told me there was a gun in the house. He invited us in. The plan was to tell him we need to talk about an incident and get up to him and grab him. However he backed up because I guess the way I was focused on him he could tell I was coming for him. Not knowing where the gun was and in case things were about to go to hell and I had to justify my actions later. I flat out told him I had a warrant for his arrest. So, I'm covered now. He tensed up, his eyes widened, he was trying to process the information and was debating "fight or flight." So we grabbed his arms and had to wrestle with him to handcuff him. He wanted to debate the issue. We got him in custody then I explained it all to him. So, he went to jail. I sure hope that woman calls the domestic violence organization for help. This is her chance to break free. I sure hope she takes it. If she does, then regardless of what the future holds, at least I made a difference in someone's life.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Some Fortune Cookie
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I'm glad my Lt. has changed his mind about retiring. We didn't want to see him go.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Election Day 2008
I will admit I was disappointed with the election. Hey, life will go on. A lot of people are going to expect a lot of things and will be sorely disappointed.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
November 01, 2008
Then later into the evening a call comes in about three black males walking around the area looking into cars. While going to the area they call back and say they just broke into a car. The first guy gets there and finds the three males. A few minutes later I get there. Come to find out, one of them lifted the door latch on the car trying to open the door and set off the alarm. Now, that's not breaking into a car. However, why the hell is he trying to open the car door to begin with? Plus, the car belonged a captain in the fire department and all of her gear was in the back. Plus, there is a hand and forehead print on the back glass (the car was dusty) indicating someone had been peaking inside it. All in all, these little creeps were about to do something they ought not to be doing. Their mother comes by. I already knew she was looking to play the "black victim" card. I'm so sick of this mentality. This mentality says nothing is your fault, it's because of racism and other people you can't act right. It's ingrained into kids and they grow up to believe it's okay to steal, use/sell drugs, even hurt or kill people. However it's society's fault, not yours. Anyway, I pull the mother to side and let her in on everything. I want her to know why her kids are detained and what people saw them do. Fortunately this woman had sense enough to realize that we weren't making this up. We were not detaining her kids for being black in a "mostly white" neighborhood (the fire captain is Hispanic by the way). She said it was sad this happened in a "mostly white" neighborhood. I calmly told her "ma'am you know as well as I do that people make decisions that get our attention and nobody but themselves are to blame!" I wish there was someway to bust through that mentality but it will persist. As long as certain people want to follow and be lead they will hang onto whatever suits them best. I'm not trying to be controversial, but perhaps the black community ought to listen to people on the outside like this man here.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
The night was about to wrap up when an officer calls me. He's out investigating a hit and run in a restaurant parking lot where the manager is stonewalling him. Long story short, whomever hit the car worked in that restaurant and the manager was very secretive about her staff. Obviously she's employing illegal immigrants. Then, she calls an officer from another department who comes out and while trying not to interfere starts questioning. I get highly pissed off. I go out there to confront that officer from another agency. I find out later on that officer eats in that restaurant. Okay, fine! I don't care. That officer can drag his happy ass across the street to whataburger and eat. I'll just sit back and wait for the complaint to come in.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
One time, I got called to a teenage party. Now, when I arrived I didn't see any alcohol, but I knew it was there. So I called the kid who lived there and made a deal. They stay inside and stay quiet we wouldn't have any problems. He was happy with this agreement. As we were talking I hear someone run up to the fence and climb it. Some fool leaps over the fence and lands right next to me. I told him "hey spiderman, no need to run!" He laughed and we were cool. I had no problems the rest of the night. The very next night, same call, same house. Okay, now I'm annoyed. I felt they were taking advantage of the break I gave them the previous night. Well, as I arrive my buddy is in the front yard with spiderman shouting at him. Spiderman is shouting back. I can tell he's drunk and I know he isn't 21. With everyone watching I decide to make an example of him. I tell him to come to me, he backs into the house. I grab his arm and he punches me in the chin. Oh hell no! Now it's on like chitlins! I run after him and we to fighting. Now, keep in mind, this isn't his house. While we're fighting we're tearing up furniture, lamps, and other things. My buddy is behind me. Spiderman grabs my neck and before I can even think to get him off me my buddy whacks him with the baton so hard it goes flying from his hand. My buddy wound up spraining his hand. I manage to get a lock on spiderman as we fall onto a window sill where I make him submit. As I'm cuffing him, one of his moron friends tries to interfere. We get spiderman cuffed and we walk him to the car. I'm pretty pissed off by now and I'm shouting at him. I failed to see the flowerbed in front of me and tripped and fell flat on my face in front of everyone. Now, I'm really, really pissed off (and embarrassed). He goes in the car and his moron friend comes up. He gets cuffed and stuffed too. While I'm working on the jail forms, moron friend's mother walks up to me (someone called her) and tries to open the door to get her kid out of the car. I stop her and explain she can't do that. She doesn't believe me. I tell her to get off my scene, she refuses, mommy gets arrested, and the bi*** wants to fight too. Another wants to spray her, but I stopped him. I didn't feel right using pepper spray on a 50 year old woman if even she was an idiot. So I used a gentle wrist lock and gently guided her into the car. So, all three went to jail.
Another party call. I walk up and as others are running every which way some teen girl walks up with a beer and cigarette in her hand. I ask how old she was, she was 17. Talk about stupid. I demand to speak with the resident. Turns out, she bailed with half of the party (from what the teens who stayed behind told me). Oh, so we have a bunch of people in a house and we have no resident. So, with that as my justification, I walk in and find people hiding. I checked one closet and it was locked. Now, who the hell locks a closet? I peek under the door and see jeans kneeling. Someone is hiding in there. I use my pocket knife to walk the lock and find two teenagers hiding. I handcuffed both of them and marched them outside. I find a bedroom door locked. After bluffing my way in, the two girls and one guy get handcuffed and marched outside. I make all the handcuffed people sit down, in front of those who didn't run. I issue citations to the underage people. The resident finally comes back, she plays ignorant. I consider arresting her for evading arrest (when word spread that the cops were here they ran), but decided it wouldn't stick. All she has to say is she wasn't there to start with and I couldn't prove otherwise.
Anyway, I hate party calls. Always have, always will.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Video of Rafer Alston's Arrest
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Meet Heidi Hazrati

Dear Readers,
I would like for you to meet Heidi Hazrati and the April Five Foundation. On April 05, 2006, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Officer Kayvan Hazrati was shot in the head while trying to serve a warrant. The shooter having been to prison stated he was not going back and shot at officers who were trying to apprehend them. Sine then, the Hazrati's have had to deal with the nightmare of rehabilitation treatments, sever pain (physical and emotional), the criminal trial, and the weasels that usually work for HR/Risk Management agencies. I invite you to read Mrs. Hazrati's blog about their life since the shooting. I went to the beginning of her blog and read from post one. Her writing leaves nothing to the imagination. I can feel her pain and anger from her words and it's like I'm standing right there with her. I give a "kudos" and a "God bless" to Heidi and Kayvan. Their journey is one that only strong people can endure and very few people could.
Yes, I blushed
"I mean what if we just hopped in your car now?"
"Uh, how would I explain to my boss (and my wife) why I have two women in my patrol car?"
"They wouldn't have to know!"
Oh my! Uh, are these girls flirting with me? It doesn't happen that often. Then the blonde asks;
"Does your wife have a badge?"
"She has a necklace I bought her."
"Would she sell it?"
Uh oh! If she knew about this conversation she'd probably throw it into the streets. I make a light joke about getting in the doghouse when the brunette says;
"If that happens I'd cuddle you to sleep!"
Okay, on that note, and my cheeks burning red I politely excuse myself from the conversation and get in my car and haul ass out of there. Last thing I need is the wrong impression and rumors to get started.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A Bad Call
Monday, October 13, 2008
Obama's Baggage

Image Courtesy of Police Link
Obama makes me sick! His mentor was one William Ayers, a co-founder of the terrorist group weather underground. These wackos are responsible for the murder of these three police officers. Sgt. McDonnell was killed by a bomb set outside his station in San Francisco back in 1970. Officer Brown and Sgt. O'Grady Jr. were manning a road block after a bank robbery in New York in 1981. A female in the vehicle got the officers to lower their weapons, and their guard while her cohorts jumped out and gunned both officers down. It sickens me that Obama, and the media try to convince us to ignore this troubling connection. I for one will not forget these officers. Since the media can't be bothered to research this, hopefully I can help spread the news and help keep terrorist sympathizer Obama out of the White House.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Another damn stupid thing to do is to drive under the influence. I don't mean on alcohol, I mean other medications. Some guy, built like a wrestler, using ambien, drove across two counties with one of his tires gone. I mean totally gone, the rubber, the rim, the actual wheel was gone. All that was left was the brake disk. Someone finally found him and stopped him.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Bad News At the Start
My supervisor and I ate at an old Mexican restaurant in an old part of town. I used to eat here when I was brand new and didn't know what the hell I was doing. On Saturday nights, another officer and I would come in, exchange pleasantries with an old security guard with a balding head and really bad teeth. I did a quick take on how far I've come along since those days. Wow, it has been a bumpy ride.
Friday, October 10, 2008
I did get a bit of good news. A few months ago an officer drove up on a burglary in progress. The crook fled through the back yard, leaving his car there. The homeowners were out of town on vacation. So we worked it. We tossed the car and found some paperwork with a name on it. I ran the name and found he had a criminal record. I also found out that someone had broken into his house. How ironic, first time I've known of a burglar to also be a "victim of a burglary." I find a telephone number for his mother and call her. I don't tell her the whole story at first (because I felt she would lie to cover for her son and I was right). I then told her that her son's car was left at a burglary. She exploded. She accused me of "scaring" her and she didn't know who I was even though I told her from the beginning who I was. Anyway, later on in the day the son (aka suspected burglar) shows up at a substation wanting to report that he was carjacked several hours earlier. The officer who took that report calls me. According to suspected burglar, he was car jacked by a fat, white male at a particular intersection in a bad part of town about 6 hours previously. He said he had to walk from that intersection to his house (roughly 10 miles) before he could report (trying to account for the time lapse in reporting). I point out two obvious flaws in his story. First, at that particular intersection, no white person would be there car jacking people. That's like going to a redneck bar and claiming you drank wine and ate cheese with a transvestite philosophy major at Rice University. Second, you get carjacked, and cannot find a phone in the 10 miles you claimed to walk? Anyhow, I find out that the detectives did a great job, busted through his story and filed on him for burglary. I was relieved.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Awww Dammit!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
"Was he talking sh**?"
This night was the national night out that got rescheduled because August was just too damn hot. To an extent, PR is necessary. That's part of why I do this blog because I want people to see things from our point of view. However it does get old after the 10th block party, forcing a smile saying the same old tired 'small talk' lines.
As I'm heading in, I stop a vehicle driving up a busy highway with no lights on. I pull him over and can tell off the bat he has no license and no identification on him. So I go about my usual routine in these cases to separate the driver and passenger and see if I get the same name and same story. Well, I get a slightly different name, but with Hispanics they usually have 4 names and the criminal element will use several variations to avoid getting caught with warrants. After over an hour I'm convinced the woman is telling the truth. Since the driver can't prove who he is, he goes to jail. I was kind of hoping he was lying to me. I got real good at the name game back in the day. Once, I had a convict with a parole warrant in my car for two hours while playing the name game. He knew that I knew he was lying, but he also knew I had to prove it before I could arrest him. He got away from another officer by sticking to his guns, but I was determined to beat him at his own game.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
"You have no right!"
Old Timer Story 1
In this story, a belligerent drunk gets arrested. He is talking trash all the way to the jail. When the officer brings him to jail, he finds the jailer. The jailer is a dinosaur (even back then, he probably had been policing since the 1940s). The drunk is cursing and the officer who brings him slams him against the wall. The old jailer berates the officer for slamming his prisoner. The old jailer sits the prisoner and dismisses the officer. As the officer walks out he hears the old jailer ask the drunk his name. The drunk replies "fu** you!" The old jailer clobbers the drunk out of the chair onto the floor. The old jailer then shouts at the officer "hey, what did you arrest him for?"
Friday, October 3, 2008
"You Again"
Thursday, October 2, 2008
"I'm a mental patient!"
I feel stupid. I called to wish my father a happy birthday. When I called him he was on his way home from work. While I'm talking to him he gets involved in a crash. Fortunately he's okay, but I feel to blame. I apologized to him, but he kept telling me it wasn't my fault, he was looking straight ahead when the car suddenly stopped. First, I put a fellow officer in the hospital, and now this. You might say I have a dark cloud. I disagree, I seem to put the cloud over others.
Remember the kid who stuck a .22 rifle barrel in his mouth? Well, we dealt with him again. We get a call about two drunks fighting in the street. We get there and two of the drunks don't want charges. They are adults and a little drunk, but not sh** faced. I look at the third and recognize him. I know he isn't 21. I'm a little annoyed. After that time talking him out of eating a bullet and here he is drinking out in the street in front of his house. No, he's going to jail. So, he gets arrested for being drunk and underage. Shortly he starts banging his head and kicking the door. He's extracted and winds up kicking two officers. Now he has went from a C misdemeanor to two felonies. Now he's screaming "I'm a mental patient this will get dismissed! How can you do this to me! You're ruining my life!" His mother, again is upset and crying but this time my sympathy is lessened. He plays this game with her. She wants to protect him but I tell her (in a diplomatic way) cut the cord and let him go. He thinks he can get away with this behavior because he is bipolar. Remember, I said in a previous post that bipolar is becoming an acceptable excuse for criminal behavior by a lot of people, even some of our nit wit prosecutors are buying into this. Good grief!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Maybe I Should Go Work For the Power Company...
One of my wife's friends did the same thing. Except the power guy declined. So, just how are men supposed to get their power back on? Just kidding.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
"Captain ****** I'm just notifying you we have one of your firemen under arrest."
"Aww damn!"
"I know sir, this isn't the phone call you want to get."
"Yep, but I appreciate you letting us know."
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Kudos to Mansfield PD
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
HPD Officer Shoots Armed Kidnapper-Rescues Child
"A Houston police officer's fatal shooting of a kidnapping suspect last week also received scant public attention in the aftermath of the storm. Police on Wednesday were patrolling an apartment complex in the 5300 block of Hershe when officers heard a child screaming for help, HPD officials said.
Officer C. Sellers ran toward the sound. Turning a corner, he spotted Patrick Dante Mathis, 29, wielding a shotgun and dragging an 11-year-old boy behind him.
There was no relationship between Mathis and the boy, police said.
"He was just in the apartment complex and the guy grabbed him," said HPD officer Gabe Ortiz.
Sellers, assigned to HPD's northeast patrol division, ordered Mathis to drop the weapon and release the boy. He refused, police said, and began to raise the shotgun barrel to the child's head.
Sellers then fired, fatally striking Mathis. The child was not harmed. The case remains under investigation by Houston police and the Harris County District Attorney's Office.
Police have not determined the motive for the fatal shooting of a man in southeast Houston, hours after Hurricane Ike made landfall in Galveston."
Good job Officer Sellers. I know the media won't do it, but the public thanks you. Like my headline? That's the gist of the story. However had a hurricane not hit, it would have been something like 'officer shoots man holding child.' I hate the media.
Monday, September 22, 2008
A strange call came in. A woman picked up a guy in her neighborhood and drove him around. He masturbated in her car. She said she was scared to tell him to get out. She says she "kinda" knows him, but knows where he lived where we arrested him. He also had marijuana in his pocket. I suspect there is more to the story like she was going to buy some weed from him (or vice versa) and he decided to "crank one off."
In another call, a drunk kid was speeding through his neighborhood. He hit a truck, a parked trailer, and flew by a school bus (yes this is the early afternoon) unloading kids. Thank God he didn't hit any of them. He was a tall kid too, about 6' 07. One look at him and I said (in front of his parents too) "damn, he tore up from the floor up! It's been a long time since I've seen anyone this messed up!" I hope he sobered up on the jail floor realizing what a fool me made of himself and how much he embarrassed his parents.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Today I decided to drive around and tell the officers what a good job they are doing. They've been working their butts off with these 12 hour shifts for a week now. They need to know someone notices their hard work and appreciates it. I don't think the brass will do that. They are usually preoccupied with looking for someone to get in trouble. I kept thinking today was Monday for some odd reason. It just didn't seem like Friday and it didn't seem like just one week ago that damn storm was pounding us. I stopped one guy on traffic. I'm cruising up the road when he came out of nowhere and cut me off. I will admit, it's nice when someone does that while I'm in a patrol car because then I can do something about it. I stop him and explain to him why I stopped him. He says he didn't do it. I ask him if he didn't cut me off then how did I end up behind him. Uh huh! He can't answer that one.
Later on a call drops. A guy calls us saying he got jumped by about 20 juveniles. We get there and I see an old man in the street bleeding. He's also drunk as hell. He says he asked the kids to turn the music down and they all assaulted him. The kids, and a neighbor says the guy cussed at a girl who lived at the house and slapped her. That's when he got jumped. Just like another old, drunk fool who got into an argument with a black woman who tried to ignore him, but he was too stupid to stop. He went on and used the 'N' word and caught a beat down in the middle of Walgreens. Just like that guy, this guy deserved it. You don't slap a young girl in the middle of the street. We then discover damage to his car. We walked the road and found damage on a parked truck. So this clown drove drunk from his house to the noisy house hitting a parked truck along the way. I then learn he has problems. He is supposedly dying from AIDS. Yet he goes to the neighborhood pool and throws out kids without parents. I do feel bad for his condition, but his behavior is "straight up stank" as they say in the hood. Oh well.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
September 17, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
September 16, 2008
Later on that night a bipolar, 26 year old son beat up his father and broke his nose. The father didn't want to press charges. Thankfully in Texas you can still arrest someone for family violence if the victim refuses to cooperate. He went to jail. I'm sick of the bipolar excuse. Nowadays people (especially suburbanites) think bipolar is an excuse for criminal behavior.
Anyway, society is slowly coming back. East Houston, and Galveston have a lot of hurricane damage. More businesses are opening back up, gas is becoming more available. The damn lines are still long during the day. However in the late night/early morning just drive in, gas up, and drive out in under 5 minutes.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A Tenderfoot in Tombstone