Thursday, December 30, 2010
A bum was arrested at an auto store. He would approach customers in the parking lot and offer to change their batteries or other minor services for money. The customers thought he worked there. On the way to jail he told the arresting officer he knew it was a big conspiracy between the government and auto zone to prevent his revolutionary invention (that would make firearms obsolete) off the market!
Two local drug dealers are arrested at a motel. Too bad the guns found stashed in a hallway couldn't be placed to their hands. They turned out to be convicted felons.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
A young man is spotted breaking into a home. When officers arrive he flees and is knocked to the ground by a citizen. The burglar fights with officers the whole time. Even on the way to jail he slips his handcuffs and starts kicking the window. The officer pulls over (on a major

A man is found bleeding like a stuck pig on a darkened street. He claims he was robbed by some thugs wanting money for marijuana. He says he was attacked several miles from where he was found and "someone" drove him out there. Which means he is lying or there was someone spending some time at the car wash getting all the blood out of their passenger seat.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Then an accident goes out. I get there first to find a guy who is confused and has to be told to stay in one place and quit wandering. The other guy we learn tries to drive off. We end up arresting him for hit and run.
While we're dealing with that we get a call that a man with about 5 warrants from 3 different counties is at the hospital. Other units get there after he is left. Of course the hospital staff have their administrative rules and refuse to tell us where he lives. I need to find that nurse that works there who I took a drunk prisoner off her hands. I'm sure she would tell me where the guy lives.
Two guys decide to go down the freeway breaking into cars in parking lots along the way. Sadly for them they get caught and an officer sees them in a restaurant parking lot about to hit again. They get onto the freeway thinking they will get away. I'm waiting for them and get behind them and the officer following. We do a high risk stop right there on the busy freeway. Cars are speeding past as we take cover and point our guns at the occupants. We find stolen property in their car and arrest both.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
A drunk stumbles across a busy street in front of security guards who call the cops. They show up and arrest the guy for public intoxication. The drunk guy slurs repeatedly "I'm not drunk! Let me go!"
An elderly woman lived alone with three dogs. About a day or two ago she suddenly died in her home and was later found by her neighbor. Her daughter and son-in-law showed up but didn't want the dogs. Animal control came out and got the dogs. Two went quietly but one, probably realizing what was going on, didn't cooperate and had to be dragged out of the house. I sure hope someone can adopt those dogs or else they will be put down and I'm sure the deceased woman wouldn't want that.
A crazy guy killed his mom by slitting her throat. He was later caught going down the road.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
A drunk drove into a house and was able to back up and drive off. He abandoned the car in a nearby parking lot and ran home where he was picked up. He was only charged with hit and run due to the time lapse.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Someone touched off a shotgun firing bird shot at someone's house. I hope this isn't a new mischievous recreation among really stupid teenagers.
Traffic was backed up on a major freeway courtesy of an accident involving an officer from another agency. His supervisor was not pleased.
A drunken, homeless man wheels his way back onto the premises of a convenience store he has been repeatedly warned to stay away from. When the officer arrives he confronts the bum who starts giving him a problem. The bum refuses to show any identification. The officer finally decides to arrest him. The bum becomes really agitated and screams, curses, tries to kick out the window. One leg is immobilized so the good leg is restrained. After that he just talks a bunch of noise and insults at officers.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
A young man was found dead from a gunshot wound to the head. It appeared to be self inflicted though nobody can tell if it's suicide or accidental. Near his body a lot of marihuana and hallucinogenic mushrooms were found.
A preteen girl attempted to hang herself in her garage. She was found in time and rushed to the hospital.
Friday, October 22, 2010
A Perspective....
While most want to blame the poor, inexperienced Deputy Constable here there is more blame to go around. I'm sure the Deputy got frustrated and decided he couldn't do anything more with him. However try to put yourself in his position. You're a new police officer (you may not even be paid as Pct.6 has mostly unpaid reserve deputies) and you find this guy who is clearly mentally disturbed. He gives you a Chinese name, says he is 27 years old. He exhibits irrational behavior but probably nothing to suggest he is an immediate danger to himself or others. The Deputy takes him to a hospital and shelter and neither organization will accept him. What do you do with him then? He isn't under arrest so the deputy's right to detain him is very limited. What do you do then? This deputy got frustrated and just let him off at the corner not realizing who he had. All of these organizations are in place to help people. Granted their resources are limited so they make guidelines on what circumstances they will accept people. Adult protective services are notorious for not helping out at times. I've yet to have a case where APS actually helped me, or anyone I know out. CPS is a hit or miss kind of deal. Officers have worked overtime waiting on a decision from CPS about where to take a child then when they've waited long enough take the child to their intake center only to be refused and told they can't stay there. I've personally told officers to place the child there and walk out and see if CPS will kick the child out of their facility. Explain that to the press. Ben Taub is also a hit or miss deal. Most of the time they are helpful though there have been times when they tried to refuse obviously dangerous, deranged people based on some silly technicality.
Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where all of our organizations and resources cannot or will not help us leaving us to make decisions. While I think the deputy clearly made the wrong decision here I don't think he should get the entire blame for this. The shelters, the hospitals, even the kid's family shares some of the blame the way I see it.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Two sisters got into a argument. When one sister told the other that she's setting a fine example for her son that sets her off. She breaks a toothbrush in half and uses it to slice her sister in the back. She tried resisting the first officer on the scene then demanded to speak to his supervisor about how she was treated. Needless to say the supervisor didn't want to hear it!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
A woman pulls a knife on another woman saying that someone will die today. The district attorney's office doesn't think that's a prosecutable offense!
A robbery streak is over. A duo had been targeting cell phone stores. After enough robberies and enough information to track them down unmarked units found them and chased them and caught them. Two down, hundreds more robbers to go!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
A young man with a wife and kids lived the ghetto lifestyle dealing drugs. He spent most of the day selling marijuana in an particular apartment complex when the wrong person got into his car and put two bullets into him killing him. His partner dutifully ran off not wanting to "be involved." Just another street statistic that nobody will care about.
A man despondent that his girlfriend dumped him. So he called officers over to "talk about life" and stated he wanted to die. So he got his wish and got transported to the psychiatric hospital. Clearly he wanted help or else he wouldn't have called.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
A 15 year old gang banger who "borrowed" his mom's car rear ends a guy at an intersection. The gang banger flees and is chased by the guy with his kids in the car. The guy cuts off the gang banger who winds up hitting him again. The gang banger gets arrested for hit & run and the other guy is cited for no driver's license and no insurance.
Officers responded to a call of a suspicious Asian male at an Asian restaurant. Huh?????
Three males robbed a woman at an apartment complex. Two were caught and ratted out the third one who eventually surrendered after a brief stand off.
Three other males committed a home invasion and as they fled a resident shot at their car. After a brief chase and a dog bite later all three were caught and arrested.
A man backs out of a driveway and speeds off while weaving across the road. He stumbles during the sobriety tests and has to be carried into the intox station where he refuses to blow. The video is dark and hard to see. As a result the idiot assistant district attorney prosecuting the case calls the 2nd time drunk driver "sober" and dismisses the case.
An officer runs a license plate and gets a stolen hit. When he tries to stop the vehicle a pursuit ensues in which the suspects strike a car and keep going. He goes to his house where both occupants bail out and are soon caught. The juvenile driver (it is later learned) is being investigated for a rash of burglaries. When a sergeant asks him if he even cares about where his life is going the juvenile felon asks "does it really matter." The sergeant says "son one day you'll end up dead or in prison just another street statistic and you know what? Nobody will give a f*** about you or your life!" He just sat there silent.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Wickersham Commission Findings Continue
Wow! Very interesting read. When I was in the academy many moons ago I remember the instructor saying the biggest danger will not be the crook on the street with a gun. The biggest danger will be our own administration. He was ever so right! More careers are harmed by administrative decisions rather than street crimes. Granted there are officers who bring it on themselves. However there are also officers whose only real offense is they ran afoul of someone in power. Over the years I've seen these types of officers;
Broke D***s or ROD (retired on duty): These guys have been on the job for decades. According to them they have seen and done it all. There is no way to verify this except to find someone they used to work with and ask them. These guys are tired and want to ride the wave into retirement trying to squeeze in a few more years and a few thousand more into their retirement. Some of them won't complain when they just answer their calls and do enough to stay off the radar while the rest gripe and mumble. The latter strike me as having been lazy even in their youths. These guys are set in their ways and are resistant to change and anything short of a direct order will fight all the way to the bank.
Generation Xer: I guess I would fit into the group. We grew up with old school upbringings (unless the parents were hippies) and went through all the trials and tribulations of a teenager of the 1990s. When we get into law enforcement we hear war stories from the old timers and if we're smart we take notes because we can learn from them (both what to do and what not to do). Sometimes we can be a bridge between the last generation and the next generation.
Generation Y: Not sure how these guys/gals were raised. They are embedded with a "me" attitude. Not sure what drew them to police work but they feel they should be given banker's hours with weekends and holidays off. "Someone else" can work the other shifts. They don't grasp the principle's of duty, sacrifice, and paying one's dues. The previous generations learned that sometimes you have to make sacrifices and schedule your personal life around the job. This generation feels the job shouldn't ever interfere with their social life and become upset and act like toddlers throwing tantrums when it does. They tend to feel they are being picked on and love to be the victim. When they tell a story the facts get rearranged to portray them as being the victim. It isn't that they are lying (90% of the time), that is how they perceive the situation. They don't understand that someone is trying to guide/teach them while they are getting spanked. However because of their narrow mindset they cannot see that.
As with every rule, there are exceptions.
On the other hand there are different types of leaders.
There are those who have not forgotten what it's like starting out and working up. He understands their people are going to mess up and depending on how bad and how much damage is done it isn't necessary to toss the wolves fresh meat. He cares about morale and is happy to pass out compliments and "atta boys" to let his troops know they did a good job. He also knows that sometimes someone will need to be made an example of after committing (or omitting) some action that really causes some damage and embarrassment. He also understands that politics play a hand in law enforcement administration. How much depends on the individual leader. Some keep it to a minimum, others allow themselves and their agencies to be an arm of politics.
While there are certainly other categories of leaders I will refrain. If you want to add some categories of your own you're more than welcome to do so in the comments section.
Read the blog post here....
Monday, August 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Two officers respond to an alarm at a business. They enter through the back door which closed and automatically locked. The officers found themselves locked in the place for about 30 minutes until a phone number was found for someone to tell them the code to the electronic lock.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Two homeless men are caught drinking at the same hood convenience store again and arrested. One of them goes on a saliva rampage spitting on both officers. While going to jail he kept spitting on the cage and even vomited. A class act.
A woman calls to report her minor daughter is missing and with an adult relative (and illegal immigrant). Here is the kicker, the illegal is her cousin AND her boyfriend and his side of the family knows it and thinks it's okay. The mom tells officers originally she was kidnapped. However both turn up at his apartment and the story becomes she is being molested by her mother's boyfriend. What a mess that's about to get messier now that sex crimes and childrens' protective services are now involved!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
A man leaves home and flies out of town to deliver a car. When he returns home he finds his wife dead in the bedroom. That's horrible!
In another case a man's house was peppered by shotgun blasts. My cynical side wonders what more to the story is there!
A man gets out of jail and needs money. So he goes to the light rail platform and approaches a man and tells him he needs money. So he offers to sell the man some bars (xanax). Too bad the man is a plainclothes officer who promptly arrests him. Someone with worse luck than me!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
In another incident a drunk gets into a disturbance at a Latino club. He fights the security guards who plant his face into the concrete bloodying it. When police arrives he isn't done yet so he spits on the arresting officer. He had a bad night!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
An officer is riding through a hood apartment complex when he finds a stolen car. As he is recovering it he hears several gunshots then sees a group of people running past him. A search of the area turns up a gunshot victim outside an apartment that is occupied by dope dealers and dope heads. He gets taken to the hospital. As we're holding the scene there is a crowd of people standing outside the trouble apartment talking amongst themselves. No doubt they are talking about the shooting. No doubt they know who and why the shooting took place but they will never tell us. A woman drives by us in a car and mumbles "it all started where those people are standing" and keeps going. She's trying to give us a hint and help us out but can't be seen talking to us. She has to live there. Poor woman.
A woman gets into a minor accident earlier in the day and makes a report with another agency. She later calls us and is afraid because she gave her information to the other party in the accident. She demands another report! She is told nope!
There is a sandwich shop that has an unwelcome guest. Some bum who keeps coming onto the property drunk and harassing customers for money. He keeps getting arrested and charged with criminal trespass. This last time on the way to jail he asks the arresting officer when will he give up on arresting him!
In the annuls of dumb criminals here is one for the books. Two officers are on bicycle patrol through a bad apartment complex when they approach a guy. As they get closer he blurts out that he is a parolee and had just smoked marijuana. The officers quickly determine he doesn't live on the property so he is arrested for trespass. On his way to jail he protests that he can't be arrested because his rights weren't read! What a stupid ass!
Another guy tried to run from an officer. He ran to his home and pulled into his driveway. Perhaps he thought he was safe. When he realized he wasn't safe he shouted "I'm not giving you my name I ain't giving you sh**!" A stellar member of the community to be sure!
Friday, April 23, 2010
The rest of the night was mostly uneventful. Until I spotted some fool driving on the wrong side of the road with cars swerving to avoid him. I pull him over and in a thick accent says "my bad!" He isn't drunk, he says he is not familiar with the area as he is from the southside. I guess they don't drive on the right side of the road on the southside. He has an assault warrant for his arrest so he takes a trip anyway.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
A teenager with mental problems along with alcohol and drug use decides to take a shotgun and start shooting slugs throughout the apartment. With slugs they are lucky they didn't pierce the walls and kill or injure someone in another apartment. When officers get there he is gone with the shotgun. He comes back later and his mother claims she got rid of the shotgun but can't quite remember where she put it. Okay that's a lie right there. They later learn the mother lies about who she is so they return and arrest her for fail to ID. Her lying caught up to her that night.
Someone decided to shoot up another hood apartment complex. We get there and of course the gunmen are gone but the entire complex was out "seeing what was going on." There were maybe five of us and about a hundred people milling about. Many of them not fans of the police. One guy walked right by us not even acknowledging our presence muttering "I'm gonna beat that n***** ass! I'm gonna beat that ass!" Wonder what his issue was. Another guy comes walking his pit bull and actually stops to thank us for being out there. He said there was too much "bullsh**" going on out in that complex. He's right about that but I couldn't tell if he was being sincere or sarcastic. As I was leaving I looked up and saw little children looking down from a second story window. I smiled and waved at them and they smiled and waved back. Poor kids have to live in that rat hole apartment complex.
Friday, April 16, 2010
A wrecker driver is speeding to an accident in hopes of getting a tow. A friend of mine spots him and tries to stop him. The wrecker driver flees and starts a pursuit. He is eventually caught and arrested. His excuse? He was rushing to an accident scene oh, and he had a suspended license! Another wrecker was called to tow his wrecker. I wonder if he got fired by his wrecker company.
In another pursuit a guy runs a stop sign and flees from the officer. He pulls into his driveway and runs into the yard. He is caught and arrested and when asked his name "f*** y'all I ain't telling y'all sh**!" Damn I wish I was on that scene!
Later on in the shift an officer sees a dirty looking woman sitting on a curb. At the time he thinks nothing of it. About two hours later as he is passing through the same intersection she is still there and hadn't moved. So he goes to check on her and she claims she used to be a beautiful woman. Unfortunately the government conspired to make her ugly and did so. She went to the psychiatric hospital!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I told my supervisor what I did. He laughed at me. I told him I learned that little trick from my dad. He told me a tale once on night shift he wasn't paying attention and wound driving the wrong way down a road. So he activated his emergency equipment to make people think he was going to an emergency call then he turned off the nearest side street and hid. My supervisor told me a tale of how he and his partner were looking for a fugitive couple who kept eluding them. So they decide to hit their house at 3 in the morning. They black out the cars and get out. The partner is retrieving a shotgun which accidentally hits the siren button and now everyone knows they are there ruining the surprise!
Friday, April 2, 2010
I'd been hearing of a con man who is living with a disabled old woman and her alcoholic daughter. Their house tends to be a meeting ground for drunks, drug users, thieves, and other types of societies undesirables. I'm just glad they don't live in my neighborhood. One of my officers has been trying to arrest the con man, R for months but can't get a good case on him. A fight call drops at that address. I'm the first one there and I meet R for the first time. He looks like a little runt. I find the woman that was hit and she's lit up and not making sense. As I'm trying to get the story a vehicle drives past and everyone points and says "there he is!" I watch which way he goes (past experience from rushing into the car putting it in gear then realizing I didn't see which way my target went). I go after him and catch him in his driveway. I rush out, put him in cuffs and stuff him in my car. After about another hour of shifting through stories I determine my new friend and R were fighting in the driveway and drunk woman tried to either break it up or get involved and inadvertently got herself hit in the eye. No charges were filed and I take the guy home. I go back to the original house and find some other people have shown up. One is chubby, ugly as hell guy. My officer tells me he's a known male prostitute. I shake my head. I really try not to judge other people but sometimes other people don't make it easy.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
In another example of inadequate communication a husband and wife are separated. The husband drives the van which is both of theirs. For some reason the wife reports the van stolen. It is found with the husband driving it. He isn't arrested for auto theft however he is arrested for the warrants he forgot to take care of. Oops!
A person calls to report two people having sex in a vehicle in a church parking lot! Officers find the two 17 year olds. For whatever reason the parents are called. Now the normal parental reaction would be anger. However with these two sets of parents their reaction is the ostrich approach of sticking one's head in the ground. The girl's parents insisted she was a virgin and that the semen stains on her dress were planted. The boy's parents claimed the girl is trying to get his money! I wish I'd been there. Those parents wouldn't have liked what I would have said to them. "Denial is more than a river in Egypt!"
A watchful neighbor calls police when he sees two people going into a house knowing the owners are on vacation. When officers arrive one gives themselves up and the other hides in the house. The officers go in and drag him out. Turns out it is a husband and wife burglary team. Well the couple who steals together, gets incarcerated together.
A patrol officer gets flagged down at an apartment complex. He is told that there is a vacant apartment in which a homeless squatter has been staying at. Nobody has seen him in a long time. The apartment is locked up and flies can be seen gathering at the window accompanied by a pungent odor. This is the classic sign of a dead body inside. The officer takes his gun out, kicks in the door and goes inside. There, he finds a dead cat!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I wonder if most people realize it's state law if you get into a minor accident to move it off the roadway to reduce congestion. However some people are so anal they think they have to block the road for a scuff mark. As was the case with the guy who got clipped. The woman who clipped him pulled into a parking lot. He stops right where he is at and blocks a lane of traffic. It was my first accident in about a year. Usually I get an officer to work it but since the format has changed I decided to work it to do it for myself and see. It wasn't hard. I've heard gripes that the new format takes two hours yet it only took me about 45 minutes!
A drunk peddles his bicycle right into a parked truck. A man gets out of the truck and calls the drunk into us. He then leaves and goes to his apartment. It's oddly funny. He says that the drunk is on the ground and not moving yet not concerned enough to stay and help. He goes home. Talk about living in the hood where they'll step over the body to "holla at a playa!"
Monday, March 15, 2010
I run a plate and see the registration expired last year. He pulls into a parking lot. I look down and notice a word buried in my readout "stolen!"
Uh oh! How did I miss that the first time? I get the driver (a 60 year old man) back in his car. I finish the return but nowhere else does it say stolen. I figured the car had been previously stolen and then recovered. Funny thing is nobody checked by. Good thing I was under control the whole time.
A young man hits a car and keeps going. Sadly for him the other driver got his plate. His car was found in the parking lot of a nearby college. The officer waited on the driver who showed up and presented an altered alien card. The illegal alien said he didn't have time to stop! What nerve!
A man gets stopped by an officer on his way to pick up his kid from school. Maybe it was ego, or sexism, or just stupidity he tells the officer he has no time for her and tries to leave. He gets arrested in front of his kid. What a damn fool!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
A gang member was caught trying to break into a car but he set off the alarm. He jumps in his car and drives off and is caught by responding units. A weapon is found in his trunk and he is arrested. Funny, the intake DA takes the charge and the gang member is taken to jail. Hours later another DA rejects the charge because the weapon was in the trunk and not "on or about the person." To be fair the statute does read that way. The legislature really needs to address that issue. Crooks can easily avoid arrest with this handy little knowledge.
Today was a day I really didn't feel like doing much. Maybe because I was mostly tired. There are days when I feel like kicking ass and taking names. There are other days when I don't want to do a damn thing! At the end of the shift I was with two other officers who have been around 10 years like myself. The topic came up how we all got started out. Both of their stories were pretty much the same as mine. They were called into the office by the recruiter and rushed through the hiring process. With me it was the same. I had a job at a local store and had to be at work right after the interview. He then scheduled me for the polygraph right then. It made me late for work and my then-boss was uber pissed off but hey the recruiter told me it was going to come at me fast and I needed to run with it. Since this job is what I worked my butt off for I couldn't pass up my chance to get on board. The rest is history!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Two black guys in du-rags and baggy clothing. The standard banger attire. Then a van comes into the parking lot with two Middle Eastern men in robes and long beards. One of the black guys says "awww hell dawg! Them mutha f••••• about to blow us up!"
That is funny!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
I get called to a domestic violence scene with my camera. A pissed off father took a belt and beat the hell out of his daughter. Now, I'm all for beating the hell out of kids when they deserve it. However belt marks on both legs. Naaa! That's too much. I take the pictures of the injuries and then we go arrest the father. He wants to protest but I don't give him the chance. His son stands up and I thought he was going to try to interfere. At this stage I'm zero tolerance and told him once to sit his ass down. While we're finishing up the man's mother shows up all upset. Now had I known that he had a pending case for beating his wife before his daughter I'd have shattered mommy's bubble view of her son. I've got his family saying he's trying to raise a wicked daughter and she is the cause of all the trouble. I've got neighbors saying the father in a sociopath, smooth talker who beats women and his family seems to accept it. I don't know any of these people however my gut is inclined to believe that although the girl is no angel her father is worse.
A drunk ex-employee stormed into a fast food restaurant and began tossing things around. As officers were en route he ran into the street banging on cars as they passed. Finally an officer found him and arrested him.
A robber hit a store ran by a man and his son. The robber shot the son and fought with the father who managed to take the gun from the robber and shot him in the head. Killed him instantly. Good job clerk!
A drunk and delusional woman goes to a department store with her 4-year old daughter and starts raising hell. She harasses customers for money and when she's told to leave she starts yelling and cursing and making a spectacle of herself. The officers get there and one recognizes her from past experience. Instead of taking her to jail he decides to take her to a psych hospital and the girl to CPS. Turns out she had two other small kids waiting at home. Those kids already have a major strike against them.
A man comes home drunk and starts yelling at his wife. He hits her and knocks her down. As they are fighting their elderly neighbor hears it and instead of calling the police. He shouts over his fence for them to shut up! Remind me not to have this fool for my neighbor. The bloodied woman refused to press charges however thanks to state law doesn't matter. He went to jail anyway.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Someone was telling me about the former officer who got arrested a couple of days ago for drunk driving. Apparently he cut off the arresting officer and refused to do any tests after claiming he was still an officer. He also urinated on himself. Real classy! Again can't say I feel any sympathy for him.
I'm on the road and need to get over into the lane yet there is another car there. I turn on the signal and slow down for the car to pass me. It brakes and slows down significantly. He is sure reluctant to pass me. In my line of work this is known as a clue. I practically come to a stop to get him to pass me and I see an expired sticker. Okay that's a start. I pull him over and all he has is the expired sticker and a license plate that was cancelled two years ago. That's it? That's all? Damn I thought it would be something better than that. I write the tickets and go on my way.
I hate to sound politically incorrect here, but what is it with Asians and driving without headlights at night? I'm serious the only people I ever find anymore driving without their headlights at night are Asian drivers. Tonight was no exception. She drives right past me with no lights. Then when I turn my lights on she stops not on the side of the road, but in the middle of it! With cars coming up behind me. I finally get her to move to a safe spot and show her how to turn on her lights then I let her go.
Then a luxury car blows through a red light. I stop it and find a pregnant woman driving. She's my age. She's upping her breathing trying to cry. Oh please! Little does she know that if she has a valid license and insurance I'm going to let her go. However I want to see her little game here. She says she was on her way from a baby shower and that her husband is in the hospital and life is hard. Apparently he's not critical if she's out at a baby shower. This woman strikes me as very spoiled and not good at this game. Lucky for her I already made up my mind to let her go. During all that fake crying she did not shed one damn tear! I thought about pointing that out to her but na! No point in doing so.
Then comes an emergency call. A teenage girl hears someone at her door and calls 911. I'm on the other side of the highway from her house so I hit the lights and noise and haul ass and I'm the first one there. As I walk up to the door I see a note jammed in it. This is what the girl heard when she panicked. I knock on the door and she and her friend open the door. I felt like I was in a bad teenage comedy when the girls open the door wearing almost nothing. I show her the note. Of course we check the house and find nothing and try to reassure her it's okay. Being teenagers they are still in a state of panic and probably still not old enough to be left home alone.
Right after that EMS calls us saying they are trying to transport an elderly lady who fell down to the hospital but her son is giving them problems. Now, I get really pissed off when someone interferes with us doing our jobs! Same goes for fire and medical people (oh and a little secret I do have a fondness for lady paramedics). I get there as the elderly woman is being loaded up and the officers are fussing at the drunk son. He's about 40ish so he's not kid. One of the medics says he was telling them he has a black belt in kung fu. I raised my flashlight and said "amazing coincidence, I have a black flashlight and two black boots!" I go talk to the drunk son who is just pathetic in my opinion. I flat out ask why is he giving the nice medical people problems and he says he isn't. Well what the hell am I doing here if that's the case? I warn him he better sober up before he leaves the house to see his mother. As we're leaving he comes out claiming harassment and why isn't his mother being cared for. I whisper to the other officers if he gets to the easement before the street I'm going to arrest him. I see he is wearing flip flops. A thought crosses my mind. I wanted so badly to say that I have a boot for his ass but that would be unprofessional. I tell him he better not come out onto the street. Yet I'll admit part of me hopes he disregards me and walks up to me. I'm so wanting him to give me a reason to arrest him. However fortunately for him he stops and goes back into the house, exactly as I tell him to do. Damn! One of the few times a drunk actually does what I tell him/her! I turn around and the ambulance is leaving along with the pretty lady medic. Out of my life, for now!
Someone fired a shot into a house through the window. The caller needs an ambulance not because anyone was shot! Because she wants her blood pressure checked. I think it's safe to assume if someone shoots into your house that your blood pressure will rise.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Officers had to chase two home invaders throughout a neighborhood and called three different agencies looking for a K9 to come out and aid in the search. By the time they finally found one the second suspect (after the first had been caught) was found hiding in a drainage pipe and at first refused to come out. However he was persuaded to come out eventually.
Rumor has it a former officer got arrested for drunk driving. Knowing who it is I think karma finally caught up to him!
Repeatedly had to check the radio because it was quiet for too long. I get nervous when the radio is quiet for a long period of time. I have to make sure my radio is on and on the right channel. After all that radio silence at the end of the shift a big fight goes down at a popular restaurant full of families and friends just wanting to enjoy a night out. I'm the first one on the scene and snatch up one guy who people are pointing out. Come to find out it's two different groups of people from different something or other who agreed to meet at the restaurant to fight it out. How stupid! As I'm talking to one guy he actually tells me two guys got naked before fighting. I had to have him repeat it. In this cold weather two guys got buck ass naked to fight? Too bad they're gone I'd would have gladly taken them to jail naked and thrown them in the tank with the other inmates.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
A man is walking with his dog not on a leash. He's violating the leash law and an officer (real easy going guy) politely tells him to put his dog on a leash. The man says he disagrees with the law and isn't going to obey it! Uh oh! Never tell that to a cop. Regardless if you agree or disagree with the law disobeying it and challenging a cop isn't the wisest course of action. He proceeds to give a fake name and is caught at it. On the way to jail for fail to id he says he gave a fake name because he "disagreed with the law!" I hope they did something with his dogs and not leave them there.
Another clown decides to grab some beer at a grocery store and run. The manager chases him and they fight it out in the parking lot and inadvertently exchange cell phones. I like going through crooks' discarded cell phones you can find some interesting stuff. Not only did I find a good picture of the suspect, I click the 'next' icon and see a blurry picture of a woman looking into the lens. Her cheek is sunken in, she's got something her mouth....WHOA!!!!!!!!
Now seriously, I can understand wanting to photograph yourself getting your freak on. However you really ought to be smart about it and password protect those pictures for obvious reasons. For you Iphone users 'there's an application for that!'
I'm driving with my supervisor in the car. We're chatting it up when a vehicle passes up like we're standing still. I pace it at over 90 MPH and it's still leaving us behind! I catch up to him his the lights. We go on for about a mile when he pulls over. I'm entering information and he drives off! He isn't trying to get away from me he is just out for a casual drive. I finally get him stopped and it's a damn teenager! He said I was talking too long to exit the car so he didn't think he had to stay. He didn't seem like a bad person, just thick headed and thinks he doesn't have to take any responsibility. He had a traffic warrant out for his arrest. So I arrest him and tow his car. I wonder if being arrested and his father's vehicle getting towed will drive the point home.
A drunk is discovered in the street and arrested for public intoxication. I get there and the officer is hoping he has drugs on him. He doesn't want a simple Class C arrest, he wants to file charges. He finds a lighter on the drunk and asks where his dope is. The drunk denies ever using drugs (despite the fact he has a history of drug arrests). The officer then asks if he doesn't use drugs where are his cigarettes. The drunk replies "in my pocket you missed them dummy!"
That was pretty funny! The officer got his wish when the drunk threatened him with retaliation for arresting him! What a damn fool! That was his 25th arrest!
Another guy decided he just had to relieve himself sexually so he chose a park to go do it. Too bad he chose to do it next to an officer! He went to jail!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I run a call where a man got threatened by a man who parked in his driveway to pick his kid up from school! Talk about disrespectful!
We then responded to a call where a man came home to find his back window broken, his humongous TV set left outside in the rain and his laptop stolen. Talk about sucking!
Some snow started coming down as we ate dinner. It didn't last long. I looked up, saw the snow coming down. Took a bite of my dinner and looked out again and it had stopped!
Saw a vehicle that had a hard time driving straight. Made me wonder if he was drunk or just couldn't see the road. I decided to find out which and pulled him over. The guy was an illegal alien. I ran his name and found different arrest records with the same information except for the date of birth. I decided to arrest him to be sure who he really was.
After than I'm going down the street when a car turns in front of me with no tail lights. I go ahead and stop him too. He hands me an expired license which is suspended. He has insurance this time but has a prior conviction meaning he can't get a ticket. What kind of surprised me is the assistant DA gave me a hard time about the prior conviction. She sounded like she was going to flake out so I told her I had the case number, the date, all that good stuff. I arrest him too and since he's cool I let him call his friend to get his car. I really didn't want to tow the car. The guy strikes me as having enough problems. I call his friend for him and he says he's been arrested. His friend says "for DWI?" The prisoner says "naw man I ain't drunk, my license is suspended!" Hell of a friend to automatically assume that!
Went driving through one of our many bad neighborhoods. I notice all the cross looks I'm getting from the locals. I am surprised when two young kids start waving so I wave back. I hope those kids grow up to remember the nice cop who waved back. As I pass an apartment complex I see a guy with his pants hanging down. He's showing off for two young kids throwing his signs. He sees me staring at him hard. If he mocks me I'm turning the car and gonna get out and make his acquaintance. He stops and then starts scuttling away. Probably to get rid of his product.
I get notified by dispatch to call the juvenile jail. Come to find out one of the little burglars from that morning really isn't a juvenile. So now someone has to come get him and take him to the correct jail and the charges and jail hold have to be redone. I have to do all that from the station. On my way a van flies past me like I'm standing still. I pull him over and the moment I get a look at him I know there is no way in hell he has a driver's license nor is he an adult. Sure enough he's 16 and took his dad's van without asking. I go back to my car and call his dad to come get him and the van. Meanwhile I run him and find a missing person hit out of New York. After some digging around I figure out it's not him, just amazing coincidence. He seems annoyed that I'm holding him. When his older brother arrives he tells me he thinks he's a man and at the age where nobody can tell him anything. I tell him to beat his ass! If he were my kid he'd be limping!
I make it back to the station and pull the report and after an hour take care of the charges. All that idiot did by lying about his age was extend the time he was in custody!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
There was no water in the main station today. A water main busted leaving the water pressure way low. I don't have to stay there but the poor dispatchers do!
Driving down the streets still irked about the weekend. I hate it when people can't follow through on what they say....hey that truck in front of me has an expired tag! I walk up and see he has the registration sticker for another car. He even admits it! He claims the inspection is legit and he is a state inspector! So he knows if I find out the inspection is fake I can arrest him but the MVI office is closed after hours. So he gets all the tickets I can write him.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
A young man decided he was going to see if he had the "courage" to kill himself. He didn't. He pulled a knife and walked towards an officer who had his gun out. The young man changed his mind and briefly shut himself in his bedroom then he surrendered. I heard he later tried to hang himself in the jail using his belt.
Found out an officer I know is back in the hospital for chest pains. Poor guy! I'd be majorly upset to still be having to put up with it. I hope he will be okay.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I hear dispatch broadcast a stolen Mustang taken by an officer in the next county's own daughter who ran away to see her convict boyfriend. That sucks. That's like a slap in the face the girl would choose a criminal over her own father. However her cop/father kind of makes himself annoying when he calls us demanding we issue an Amber alert. He isn't happy with the explination that his daughter running away and stealing the car doesn't qualify for an Amber alert. Surely he would have read up on it before he would call to make a demand.
I'm driving down the street about an hour before dinner time when I get stuck in a traffic jam. I figured it was typical rush hour traffic until I see the wrecker lights up ahead. I then see a disabled vehicle in the intersection. I see the two occupants and ask if they are okay and the man (driver) is looking at me rather strangely. I ask where the other car is and they look at me funny. I then ask in Spanish (she said they don't speak English) and they still look at me funny. I get the car moved and we quiz the couple some more. The man was driving but the woman seems to want to do all the talking. Another clue something is up. I silence her and ask the man (via interpreter) what happened and he said he hit another vehicle that went into the parking lot (about half a mile away). I ask him why is he over here and not in that parking lot with the other vehicle. He said he figured they were meeting later. Oh hell no! This fool tried to flee the scene and his car broke down in the intersection. Though why he didn't run on foot is beyond me. We give sobriety tests and on HGN he's got all the signs. We try the walk & turn which he cannot do and then he starts getting aggravated and tensing up. I thought he was getting ready to fight so I come up behind him and grab him and cuff him before he makes up his mind. He goes to intox and I'll have to find out later how that went.
It's time to go to dinner so I clear that and head on down the road. I hear a siren coming up behind me and watch as a transit officer rushes past me. I flip to their channel to see what's going on. I don't need to activate my equipment I just go with the flow and reach the scene after him. Come to find out some drunk had to go pee and whipped it out and urinated all over the bus and even some passengers! I'm surprised he was still walking. If some fool urinated on me on a bus I'd stomp his ass right then and there! I follow the officer as he turns onto a side street and stops by a guy coming from a dead end. The guy says he has no idea where he is but that his partner dropped him off to meet some woman that he has no name nor address for. I ask him if he was on the bus and he says "I didn't do nothing to nobody!" That's not what I ask. I suspect this is him. I tell him he's going to be brought back to the bus and identified and he still acts dumb! Well maybe he wasn't acting! We bring him back and come to find out, it's him!
I finally get my dinner and try to lay low the rest of the night. I make two traffic stops on people who were both weaving. I suspected they would be intoxicated but one was just learning to drive and the other was just, well I guess old. No offense.